Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Joshua as a Type for Christ

God chooses the name Joshua for his Son (Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua). So in God's mind, Joshua is obviously an OT type for Christ. The question is how.

Most OT types commit some sin that demonstrates to everyone that they are not the promised Seed. Jacob falls into a stubborn despairing depression after hearing that Joseph is dead, Moses refuses to honor God as holy, and David commits adultery with Bathsheba. Joshua, by contrast, seems to be the one prominent OT type whose life is devoid of a "big sin." Not that he was without sin, of course; simply that the Bible records no high profile transgression.

Another way Joshua is a type for Christ is that he leads the Israelites to victory in their conquest of Canaan, even as Jesus now leads us to victory in our conquest of the world. According to Joshua 1, Israel's victory in battle depended most specifically on the obedience of Joshua to the law of Moses (not that Israel's obedience did not also matter; Joshua's merely took priority). Even so, it is the Greater Joshua's perfect obedience that secures our victory in fulfilling the Great Commission. We will conquer the world, for our Perfect Joshua leads us into battle (and in fact has already won the battle!).

Perhaps there are other ways in which Joshua is a type for Christ. What do you think?


  1. How about in matters of faith and trust?

    He and Caleb believed that numerous enemies, giants, and walls were not reason for despair and abandoning God's kingdom work.

    He trusted in God's word more than swords against the city of Jericho.

    He was head of a house that would serve the Lord

  2. How about in judging Achan's sin? Any thoughts there?

  3. I love the fact that when Moses went up on the mountain to meet with God, Joshua went up with him. When Moses would go into the Tabernacle in the wilderness to meet with God, Joshua was also there and when Moses would leave the Tabernacle, Joshua lingered longer! This man was a true worshiper/warrior. Also, I feel sure that Joshua became like a son to Moses.
